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Building a Distributed Rate Limiter in Elixir with HashRing
Using distributed Elixir to upgrade a node local rate limiter
I’m incredibly excited to announce the new web-based Hex package differ: diff.hex.pm, maintained by the Hex team!
I wanted to give some insight into the Hex Diff project, how it works, and some issues we ran into on the way.
GenStage is a pull-based system, where consumers pull events from the producers, and most of the documentation describes this
The Erlang :queue module in Elixir
Elixir doesn’t provide its own data structures, instead, it uses the ones provided by Erlang
Patterns for managing ETS tables
This article attempts to show some basic patterns for how to use ETS in Elixir or Erlang
Health checks for Plug and Phoenix
I want to share a simple pattern for setting up HTTP based health checks for Plug/Phoenix applications
The new `Registry.select/2` and what match specs are
I want to share a simple pattern for setting up HTTP based health checks for Plug/Phoenix applications
Elixir String Processing Optimization
This post was inspired by a thread I participated in on the Elixir forum